Collection: Clear Protect Perfume By Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael - Clearing and Protecting Energy
Archangel Michael is the angel of protection and life purpose. He is the closest Archangel to the earth plane and is the ideal angel to begin working with if you are newly on your spiritual path. If you are fearful, anxious or depressed he can be called on for assistance. He is a powerful spiritual protector that supports the earth plane in the eradication of fear and negative energy. He is usually depicted in spiritual texts with a sword of light that he uses to conquer the darkness. He supports each and every one of us to tap into our life purpose and gain direction and focus in our lives. His guiding energy is loving, gentle but strong and focused. He is a powerful protector that will clear energy in and around you and help you stay on your path to discovering who you are as a spiritual soul. If ever you feel fearful physically, emotionally, or spiritually Archangel Michael will shield, clear and protect energy from you.
When you wear the Archangel Aromatherapy