I love my job, I love helping people, and I love teaching people.
I love the wonderful divine teachings that the angelic realm share with me. I am incredibly grateful to have spiritual insight into healing to share with you all to assist you in some way.
Spirituality has two sides. Light and dark.
So often, I have to deal with the not so 'in the light' or "darker" aspects of spirituality.
My angels have been clear that I bring you all these teachings not to scare you but to empower and enlighten you with information, knowledge and insight for your healing.
I believe it's essential to appreciate that we are mind, body and spirit and that our mental wellness can be impacted and certainly compromised by spiritual and energetic elements.
Appreciating and exploring healing holistically is imperative for complete wellness.
Unfortunately, I have seen many people over the years suffering from panic attacks.
Panic attacks are frightening. They can overwhelm us and strike when we least expect it. Often you can feel like you have a heart attack; you can't catch your breath, your temperate rises and you become paralysed by fear.
What's worse, people often don't know why or what is happening, and you feel like you have lost control, making it even scarier.
Panic attacks are insidious, and I have a no-tolerance policy for panic attacks. Why?
Because in my experience as a spiritual healer, panic attacks are caused by an overwhelming flow of negative energy, a spiritual attack or by a spirit or demonic entity that is around you. An overwhelming infiltration of negative energy has impacted your energy, and it can be prevented.
Let me explain. If people around you speak, think or intend ill will toward you, this is projected negative energy. The impact on your well-being is significant. Also, your own negative narrative of our inner consciousness begins to take over at times, and it can be challenging to reorientate ourselves back to our soulful selves. If we have a negative experience with others, our anxiety dialogue can take the stage in our minds, and it can feel almost impossible to stop it.
A spiritually based approach to healing mental health issues is an important aspect of holistic well-being.
Additionally, you can be impacted by the energy around you.
Unsavoury characters exist in the physical world as do they in the spiritual realm. Spirit or demonic entities that co-exist in your space or that you attract and become connected to your energy can create havoc with a person's life.This happens all of the time. So often in fact that we feel its just us being emotionally triggered and yet we can take on the energetic emotions of our environment and other people in such a subtle but impactful way.
Through the loving guidance of the angels, I have been taught how to clear the spirit from a person's aura, body, home etc. and stop panic attacks with angelic healing practices.
I know the idea of a spirit or demonic entity attaching to your aura, body, home or worse the full spiritual possession of a person is for some an uncomfortable and confronting topic. Believe me when I tell you that I would love to only talk about the beautiful elements of the divine spirit realm and leave this topic alone. However, we need to think about our energetic well-being.
Let me remind you. Can you feel what it's like to be in a room with someone who really doesn't like you? This person may not utter a word, but you KNOW the vibe is off!
What about when you are looking to buy or rent a home?
Have you ever walked in then out and just said 'no' it's not right! It's a vibe. A feeling. Its energy
The angels have told me that it's vital that we understand how we can be significantly impacted by spirit and energy all around us.
We are mind, body and spirit. Just as we have homes with fences and cars with seat belts to protect ourselves in the physical world, we have ways of protecting our energy and healing from the spirit world.
The notion of spirit possession and attachment is nothing new.
The practice of releasing spirits from people and places was commonly referred to as exorcism. Exorcism or others may prefer to call it spirit releasement or rescue, is conducted in a profoundly considerate and compassionate way, despite what you may have seen in the movies. This area of spiritual healing is not to be taken lightly and should always be carried out by a professional.
My intention for doing this work with the angels is to help people seek this healing, so they don't suffer from depression, anxiety and panic attacks, phobias, and unexplained physical ailments.
I encourage people to explore all their options and rather than scaring people by talking about this topic, my intention and that of the angels is to empower you with the knowledge and information you need to pursue this type of healing if you should choose so you can restore harmony to your health and life.
Below is a story testimonial from a client who came to me with panic attacks. I share this with you from the eyes of the client as it may be a familiar experience for you.
Rachael has asked me if I would write a testimonial.
I do so happily and easily because, quite simply, Rachael has changed my life. My husband and I went to see Rachael a few months ago, and it is regarding the effect on my husband that I would most like to write. To set up ... my husband is nearing 40; we have our dose of kids; 5 years ago, he had his career of 15 years abruptly come to a halt (that he was really only vaguely interested in, so he's been on a quest to find a new path); he's fit and lovely and was mostly happy. Six months ago, he started getting panic attacks. Wake you up in the middle of the night, sweating bullets, squeeze the heart I'm going to die, full-blown panic attacks out of nowhere. He falls into a hole, can't work, and barely functions. I organise a GP appointment; he gets some meds, gets a therapist, and manages to put one foot in front of the other. Therapy makes him panic. He hates going there. He hates analysing this panic. After a couple of months of living with this half-man, I complained to my yoga teacher that, personally, I was stuck. I can't move forward with anything important to me. My kids are driving me nuts with constant fighting and complaining. And now, my husband has broken down. I was the cheerleader for the family, jollying everyone along, and I felt rain-soaked and a muddy one, at best. I complained that I had read every book and seen every type of therapist, yet here I am, still stuck. My yoga teacher says, 'you should see Rachael White' (add that sentence to the list of reasons why I love my yoga teacher). So, after my husband cancels his 3rd therapy session, I set up two appointments for us to see Rachael. I only know the gist of what went on in his session and the one that followed a few weeks later. I know 100% that he left there a changed man. He told me he had never before felt so understood. Rachael found in him (and me) spirit attachments and worked at removing them. Immediately his anxiety lifted, and he stopped taking sleeping pills. Sure he still has things to work through ... dreams to chase ... bravery to find ... but he has not had one panic attack since that first meeting. He is the best' him' he has ever been. He is connected, spiritual and attentive to himself, our family and me like he has never been before. I personally have had two appointments with Rachael and many phone calls, and she has been to our home to clear it of spirits and the odd vortex or two (as you do). My whole world has changed since knowing her. My kids are happier and more settled. She has worked remotely on my eldest son for his stutter (by looking at his past lives), and the improvements are quite remarkable. For me, life is the best it has ever been. My family is the best we have ever been. And I know (know!) it is only going to get even better. I owe Rachael a great deal. A debt I know I can never repay in full.
If this resonates with you and you need support, and want to have a conversation to see how I can support you.Please book a one-on-one Introductory Session with me so we can explore your healing needs.
Rachael White - Angel Healing Therapist + Coach -Soulscented Schedule Appointment