Maximise Abundance with New Moon energy
Tonight is the New Moon. If you are in Australia the New Moon does not officially kick in until 9pm tonight. If you are one of my overseas friends you are already in this energy so you can begin this ritual at any time.
We are humans be-ing on the earth and so we are impacted greatly by the energy of the moon. Every month the new moon rolls around and affords us the opportunity to ride the cosmic waves and draw down on the moons energy to Maximise abundance. This is your right.
As a human be-ing on the earthy plane you have access to an abundance of resources above and beyond that can accelerate your intentions and help you to co-create a life you truly deeply desire and deserve.
We are half way through the year and it is a wonderful time to take stock, reflect and set intentions for the next half of the year. Its ritual time.
Below I have listed the New Moon Ritual that you can do during the new moon energy. Complete these steps after the time of the new moon so you are completely in the new moon energy. The most potent time is the first four hours from the time the new moon begins.
1. Create a sacred space: Light candles, play music and most importantly diffuse the archangel aromatherapy essential oils into your space. As the oils are dispersed in the space you elevate the energy of the space. As you move around your space and inhale the oils you breathe in the aromatic molecules that penetrate deep into your body and brain. You immediately elevate your energetic frequency making it easier to hear, see, know and feel the angelic communication.
Why not take a really hot bath, a couple of drops of the archangel aromatherapy concentrate in your bath. Then when you get out, cover your hands and heart chakra with oil before you begin the ritual. DIVINE. Clean, Clear channel for divine manifesting.
2. Write out your intentions. Using a pen and paper write out what you truly desire by setting intentions to bring into your life. If possible it’s best to focus on what is really important to you at this time. Not necessarily an exhaustive list. Remember, the New Moon comes around once a month.
It is essential that you use the word “Intention’. The word intention is a powerful word of creation. It is with the intention that you create.
So at the top of a piece of paper write..."My intention is .......
Tip: We don't beg, plead for our intentions to be realised. This is fear-based energy and couches the intentions in fear. Reorientate your intentions and send them off with absolute belief and all-knowing that all you ask for will come to you.
Don't place any expectations on how, what, when, where, how why. Don't overthink it. In fact, don't think about it at all. Write them out and send them off and believe with all heart and soul that all is coming to you.
Tip: At the bottom of my intention list I always write. " It is my greatest intention that all my intentions be realised or better than I can imagine for myself'... this way you leave it open for AMAZING, MIND-BLOWING stuff to come into your life that you can’t even begin to imagine. Loving that!!
3. Visualise your intentions: As you write out your intentions, sit back and close your eyes. Begin to visualise the intention manifest. Do this for each one. Basically creating what I like to call a 'mini mind movie' of everything you desire already manifest. Keep these "mini mind movies" in your mind and think of them often. In particular, if you start to doubt your manifestations. The visualisation creates a very clear image for divine intervention from your angels to support your manifestations.
4. Release to be realised: Safely, burn, tear up or submerse the list of intentions in water. You need to release the list of intentions so they can be realised. We don't want to hold onto our intentions. Feel free to make a copy of your intentions so you can refer back to them. (Maybe in the warm weather submersing in water with a few drops of aromatherapy oil is better)
5. Use your intuition: Now is not the time to check out my friends and kickback. When you take action the angels swing into action to take all the steps to support you. Now you have done this big request you need to be on high alert for changes or actions you need to take. Tune in and notice the signs. Take notice to the feelings you have and guidance that you intuitively feel, the people that show up, the synchronicity of life. Remember there are no coincidences everything is happening for a reason. Particularly because you asked for it.
6. Don't worry One of the biggest reasons manifesting fails. Just believe that because you asked for it, it will happen. People fall into the trap of worrying about their intentions and then disbelieving when things don't show up exactly how they thought they would or in the time frame they expect. This leads to discouragement and you reverse s the effects of your manifestation. But also things can move really quickly and often clients will say to me 'it happened so quickly it’s too good to be true either way believe that the Universe, God, Angels, Buddha, Ganesh or whomever you connect in with spiritually has got your request and they are working with you to make it happen. All you need to do is Intend, Visualise,
Happy Manifesting my friends xx
Rachael is an international Angel Intuitive Therapist, Spiritual Coach, Perfumer, Author & Teacher. She works with individuals who create spiritual transformation and life transformation in the areas of spirituality, business, healing, wellness and spiritual development. She is an entrepreneur and has developed the worlds first Archangel Aromatherapy prescriptions. She works with people across Australia and the world in all aspects of business, spirituality and wellness.
Rachael reopened her appointments in 2021. Please see the list of services and diary to book a session with Rachael.